From Huff Post: Glenn Beck exploded at Chris Matthews for his comments denigrating Michele Bachmann and her views of American history. Matthews called Bachmann a “balloon head” on Tuesday for saying that the Founding Fathers “worked tirelessly to end slavery.” He noted that, [...]
Posts Tagged ‘USA’
Walker Backs Down, Says It’s All a Mistake
MADISON, March 31 (AP) -- Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced at a press conference that he is unilaterally withdrawing the controversial budget legislation that has spawned a labor uprising in his Capitol. Governor Scott Walker caves to unions A contrite Gov. Scott Walker announces he[...]
Cuban not free speech.
from Reuters, by Jeff Franks HAVANA | Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:37pm EDT HAVANA (Reuters) – Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter met with Cuban Jews on Monday at the start of a private three-day visit to the island, but he did not discuss with them a U.S. aid contractor jailed for allegedly providing i[...]
The Budget Issue, a Powerpoint Report from Sen. Murray
Ed Murray, D, 43rd, is the Chair of Washington State Senate Ways and Means Committee. Ed is a very, very analytical political thinker and certainly supportive of the UW. He has prepared a set of slides about the budget crisis that anyone from our community should review. I esp. call your attenti[...]
BECK … a petition
FROM BLATHERWATCH. If you want to hear Glenn Beck’s violent, paranoid rants, tune in every weekday from 6 am to 9 am on Seattle’s KTTH AM 770 — or the 8 other radio stations in Washington that broadcast Beck. Maybe that’s one of the places that Charlie Wilson, who was arrested la[...]
Letter seeks to reassure alumni that tenured faculty members are not under attack.
from the more on The AVE about the University of Texas, including the effort to lower standards in a medical school. and proposals to arm the faculty. University of Texas System regents, stung by criticism a day earlier from the alumni association at UT-Austin, pledged support Friday f[...]
The Wedge: A Chilling Tale of a Possible Future
The sun shone on another day of Summer Session on campus in a small college town. In a large yet somewhat stuffy lecture hall in one of the oldest buildings, the professor had reached a favorite part of his lecture on this period in European history. His voice didn’t drone on—it rose as [...]
NADER: Impeach Obama
from The Hill: “Why don’t we say what’s on the minds of many legal experts; that the Obama administration is committing war crimes and if Bush should have been impeached, Obama should be impeached,” Nader said in an interview with the anti-war Democracy Now! organization.[...]
Gallup: Growing Minority Wants Minimal U.S. Role in World Affairs
Gallup: February 21, 2011 Two-thirds of Americans believe the U.S. should play either the leading or a major role in solving international problems. However, 32% now say the U.S. should be a minor player or not involved at all, up from 23% in 2009. I think we are going to see this expand hugely as [[...]
Cutting ALL of Higher Ed would save 50% of the budget deficit in WA.
It’s hard to imagine the enormity of this challenge. Here are some numbers that put it into perspective: We could cut our entire public higher education system – all six of the four-year institutions and all 34 of the two-year community and technical colleges – and we’d solve just about 50% [...]