Archive for the ‘News Media’ Category

July 18th, 2024 - 3:48 pm § in Biden, News Media, Politics, Republicans, Schools & Colleges

True or False: Did Biden “open our borders” to fentanyl smugglers?

There are three basic kinds of facts: Real facts, legal facts, and political facts. “Real facts,” as the term implies, are reality. “Legal facts” are the pictures lawyers paint to juries, which may bear little or no resemblance to reality. “Political facts” are wh[...]

July 14th, 2024 - 7:46 pm § in Donald Trump, News Media, Politics, Republicans

Yellow journalism

The Daily Mail, a U.K.-based tabloid, is a mixed bag. They pay for tips and photos, a disreputable practice in professional journalism circles. They’re also a rightwing propaganda soapbox and not above yellow journalism. But they often have pictures, names of suspects, and other information be[...]

July 14th, 2024 - 4:43 pm § in Donald Trump, News Media

Iconic photo?

It was taken by Associated Press photographer Evan Vucci (bio here), and is a potential Pulitzer Prize winner. The Atlantic calls it “A legendary American photo.” The article gushes, “However you feel about the man at its center, it is undeniably one of the great compositions in U.[...]

July 11th, 2024 - 6:07 pm § in Biden, Democrats, News Media, Politics

RFK Jr.’s dishonest campaign ad

“CNN anchor Jake Tapper is demanding Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign remove an ad from social media that … is deceptively edited to show leading cable news hosts such as Tapper, Dana Bash, MSNBC’s Joy Reid and others saying Democrats are ‘rallying’ around Kennedy&[...]

July 7th, 2024 - 7:30 pm § in America, Law and Courts, News Media

Is crime out of control?

If crime is declining, which is what crime statistics say, why do so many Americans feel crime is out of control? I’ll be honest here: I feel that way, too, even though I know it’s unlikely I’ll be robbed or assaulted. But I vote according to what I think, not based on how I feel. [...]

July 6th, 2024 - 10:38 pm § in Biden, News Media, Politics, Racism

NY Post’s thinly-veiled racist attack on Kamala Harris

As pressure mounts on Biden to pull out of the 2024 race, eyes are turning toward Kamala Harris (photo, left), the person most likely to succeed him as Democratic nominee. She could even be president if he resigns. Although Biden still insists on staying in, Republicans are planning for that possibi[...]

June 30th, 2024 - 10:07 am § in Biden, Democrats, Donald Trump, News Media, Politics

The Biden decision facing Democrats

Biden’s shaky debate performance has many Democrats worried about voter perceptions of his ability to carry on. Bombing the debate is media fodder, if nothing else, and the notion he should drop out of the 2024 presidential race is being ballyhooed by the media and pundits eager for attention.[...]

June 26th, 2024 - 10:31 pm § in Biden, News Media, Politics, Republicans

Does Mountain Dew cure dementia?

Fox News is a huge network. Its hosts are paid millions of dollars. For what? Not talking intelligently, as this clip from “Fox Business” shows. In it host Maria Bartiromo, once a credible business reporter but now a silly Fox talking head, carries on a deadpan discussion with Rep. Eric [...]

June 26th, 2024 - 2:50 am § in Donald Trump, News Media

Reporter at George Floyd protests is dying from police wounds

A reporter who covered the George Floyd protests in Minneapolis in 2020 is dying from her police-inflicted injuries. Linda Tirado (photo, left), then a 38-year-old photojournalist, drove from Tennessee “to cover the unrest” in Minneapolis after a rogue cop murdered George Floyd, an NPR s[...]

June 25th, 2024 - 12:37 am § in Business, News Media

Everett Herald’s new owners greet staffers with pink slips

The Everett Herald was sold with its parent company to a Mississippi news conglomerate in March 2024. That company, Carpenter Media Group, promptly laid off over half of the paper’s newsroom staff (read story here and watch video below). Herald news staff formed a union in 2022 and had been tr[...]