Supreme Court justices can’t be fired. Congress can impeach and remove them for bad behavior, but that requires bipartisan cooperation. A few decades ago that was possible; but today’s Republican Party is so dysfunctional, and so invested in the blatantly partisan decisions of the worst [...]
Posts Tagged ‘Supreme Court’
Why is Justice Alito taking gifts from a German bigot?
The Supreme Court isn’t a real court anymore
A court makes judicial decisions. This Supreme Court makes political decisions. The Supreme Court is supposed to be one of the Constitution’s checks and balances. It no longer is. This court has grabbed power for itself and eliminated checks on presidential power. Let’s look, for a minut[...]
A brief history of free speech in America
Free speech as we know it occurred late in American history, is fragile, and could go away. For most of American history, unpopular political views could (and did) get dissidents, organizers, publishers, and even artists thrown in prison. The notion of a “free trade in ideas,” which spra[...]
McConnell doesn’t like Biden’s Supreme Court reforms
Good. If he did, I’d be very suspicious. Sen. McConnell broke every rule of Senate collegiality when he blocked Obama’s appointee, using “it’s an election year” as an excuse, then jammed through another Trump appointee right before an election. McConnell engineered a co[...]
Can the Democrats fix the Supreme Court?
The first question to ask is whether the court is broken. I would argue yes. Many other people think so, too. Polls show this is the least trusted court in generations. It’s widely seen as a partisan body. Vox describes it as “essentially [a] policymaking arm of the Republican Party̶[...]
Thomas and Alito deserve to be impeached
Justice Thomas took millions in undisclosed gifts, and refused to recuse himself from Jan. 6 cases even though his wife was neck-deep in efforts to overthrow the 2020 election, even calling Trump’s chief of staff. Justice Alito also failed to report expensive gifts, including a luxury fishing [...]
The Supreme Court isn’t just partisan, it’s incompetent
“All of the United States’ most important governing institutions are failing at once. Congress has long been barely able to function. The Republican Party has atrophied into a cult of personality. The Democratic Party is unable to dislodge a senescent leader. And then there’s the Supreme C[...]
Is the Supreme Court sowing political violence?
It has happened before. Some historians believe the 1857 Dred Scott decision, “the worst decision in Supreme Court history,” precipitated the Civil War (see Wikipedia article here). It certainly would be hard to outdo that one for inflaming passions, or identify an issue more likely to p[...]
Girl, 13, shot to death by teen at Alderwood Mall
She wasn’t the intended victim. When an argument erupted between two groups of kids, and a 16-year-old boy pulled a gun and fired at someone, the bullet hit her instead and now her family has to bury her. The shooting happened at Alderwood Mall in Lynnwood, Washington, on July 3, 2024 (read st[...]