Posts Tagged ‘American Diversity’

June 19th, 2024 - 9:27 pm § in Business, Politics, Schools & Colleges

Poll: Americans support DEI programs

Nationally, 61% of Americans support diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, a Washington Post/Ipsos survey conducted in mid-April of 2024 shows (read story here). The survey showed 34% consider DEI programs at companies “a bad thing.” That number roughly conforms with the perce[...]

January 5th, 2020 - 12:55 am § in America, Religion


So, here is the problem.  Since Jefferson edited his bible to eliminate the miracles, there has been an effort by Christians to claim Jesus was a real and wise man, a rabbi,  whose teachings were distorted by Paul and his successors trying to create a popular religion. I suggest  problem is not w[...]

May 9th, 2018 - 12:09 am § in Donald Trump, Hypocrisy

Neofacism: Trump and Farrakhan to Meet

Farrakhan will be the first Black leader invited to speak to Trump with a real organization and some clear agenda items. If critics believe Farrakhan is a bigger issue than Steve Bannon and those Neo Nazis working in the white house they are blind to their own racism.  I don’t know of any Jew[...]

March 28th, 2018 - 1:46 am § in Misc.

The Powers of the ACLU

Phelan Moonsong, a pagan priest in Maine was originally denied the right but successfully fought to gain the same recognition as other religions. “I was eventually called up and the clerk asked me if my horns were implanted and I told her they are not,” he explained to The Wild Hunt. The clerk o[...]

January 21st, 2018 - 1:36 am § in Jews, Religion

SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Tikkun Olam, Fixing the world

תיקון עולם[...]

December 25th, 2017 - 1:35 am § in America, Religion

SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Humanity Legislates Separation from God

The separation of church and state is one of the cornerstones of America’s foundation. Conservative Christian fundamentalists have sought to crush this cornerstone in the hopes of establishing Christianity as the state religion, an action that would threaten the rest of the foundation that makes u[...]

October 13th, 2017 - 12:05 am § in Misc.

Higher Education In India: Looks Like the Issues in the US!

IndiaMohammad UmarJun, FIRST POST  “…There is a quiet crisis in higher education in India which runs deep,” Macaulay asserted – “a single shelf of a good European library was worth the whole native literature of India and Arabia” Representational image. News18 abstracted …R[...]

September 17th, 2017 - 1:28 am § in America, Religion

Sunday Revelations: Why don’t “people of color” convert from Buddhism, Hinduism, or state atheism to become AA Baptists?

Interesting thought.. Look at Bobby Jindall Recently he remarked that people of color have no problems excelling in the US if they behave like the majority…. in other words pass for white. Jindall is a convert to Roman Catholicism, Same is true for his female colleague Nicki Haley, the gun tot[...]

August 13th, 2017 - 3:22 am § in America

Sunday Revelations: Environmentalism in the Roman Christian Bible

Revelation 19:17-18 I then saw an angel standing on the sun, and he shouted to all the birds flying in the sky, “Come and join in God’s great feast! You can eat the flesh of kings, rulers, leaders, horses, riders, free people, slaves, important people, and everyone else.”![...]

July 15th, 2017 - 12:43 am § in Jews, Religion

JEWS: How to buy sneakers
