When Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941, Americans came together to fight World War 2. Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Americans came together again, and that event still unites us in a way that transcends politics. The photo below was taken on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, the day after the T[...]
Archive for the ‘Biden’ Category
Fentanyl smugglers are U.S. citizens, not migrants
Fentanyl deaths rose under Trump, and continued to rise under Biden, until today the drug kills more Americans than guns and car accidents combined. “Trump repeatedly blames the increase in fentanyl deaths on the influx of 10 million migrants who crossed the border during the Biden,” NBC[...]
Speaking about “a concern that Americans have” …
Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND), passed over by Trump when he chose his 2024 running mate, is defending Trump’s latest election rant. On Saturday, September 7, 2024, Trump posted this on his social media platform: “WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of th[...]
Untangling the Arlington Cemetery controversy
Ceremonies honoring America’s war dead and other heroes are common, and politicians often participate, so why is Trump’s visit to Arlington last week stirring controversy? For starters, federal law prohibits using national cemeteries for political purposes. In addition, Arlington prohibi[...]
Should restaurant service fees be illegal?
I’m against government micromanaging the economy, but I’m for government protecting consumers from deceptive business practices. Restaurants are struggling with higher costs, but are afraid that raising menu prices will drive away customers, so they’re passing those costs through ([...]
Jobs, jobs, jobs
Trump’s 2024 campaign advisers want him to run on the economy. Good luck with that. He’d rather talk about his personal grievances. But let’s say he does. Bill Clinton, speaking to the 2024 Democratic convention, claimed that since 1989 fifty-one million jobs have been created unde[...]
No jury would convict him
The GOP’s impeachment probe of Biden sputtered to a halt Monday, out of gas. (Click on image to activate.) Republicans aimed to “showcase that President Biden abused his power and was at the center of a corrupt plot to enrich his family,” The Hill reported on August 19, 2024 (read [...]
Deficit math
The U.S. national debt is $36 trillion as of 2024. Biden and Trump each added $8 trillion of that. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects deficits of $20 trillion over the next 10 years. On top of that, Trump wants to cut taxes by $4 to $6 trillion over that period. Republicans talk about of[...]
Was American still held by Russia “stabbed in the back”?
It was a deal that took more than a year, and intense diplomatic effort, to put together. Russia exchanged 16 foreigners, mostly ordinary people, for 8 Russians who were spies, an assassin, and cybercriminals. It was a lopsided trade in Moscow’s favor, but the only way to bring the 16 detainees ho[...]
McConnell doesn’t like Biden’s Supreme Court reforms
Good. If he did, I’d be very suspicious. Sen. McConnell broke every rule of Senate collegiality when he blocked Obama’s appointee, using “it’s an election year” as an excuse, then jammed through another Trump appointee right before an election. McConnell engineered a co[...]