Gotta love this story from Daily Kos, originally reported by The Daily Dot, an online newspaper based who knows where — everywhere, I guess. This story contains all the delectable elements of rightwing psychosis that make conservatives so much fun: Paranoia, delusion, racism, love of violenc[...]
Posts Tagged ‘USA’
Brown-Skinned GOTV Volunteer Delivers Box Of Absentee Ballots; Crazy Arizona Republicans Go Nuts
Yes, We Need A Republican Party
Let’s face it, the GOP has plenty of followers, whether we like it or not. These include flat earthers, birthers, tinfoil hatters, flying saucer and black helicopter believers, Ku Kluxers, abortion doctor killers, and other assorted misfits and morons. Look, I’m not against having a [...]
Clueless GOP Candidate Wonders Why Military Doesn’t Oust Obama
A Republican running for re-election to a county office in the St. Louis area posted this on her Facebook page: “I have a question for all my friends who have served or are currently serving in our military … having not put on a uniform nor taken any type military oath, there has to be […[...]
SOUTH CAROLINA: Racism is our proud heritage!
SC Governor On Confederate Flag: CEOs Don’t Care Other notable “we elected the first African American Senator” … Really? someone needs to tell Ed Brooke. I am proud to have campaigned for Senator Brooke, an African American and a Republican, when he was elected in 1966. Mr [...]
Do you think Larry Ellison might be able to pay a tax on his unproductive wealth?
I have written many times about the wealth tax. A wealth tax designed to tax wealth selectively based on productivity has the extra advantage of increasing the use of capital to stimulate jobs. Put another way … money invested in gold coins, yachts, art, real estate, government bonds or ca[...]
The time is now for Russell Westbrook
Injuries are an unfortunate part of sports. My heart goes out to last years NBA MVP Kevin Durant. I hope he has a speedy full recovery. With that said injuries present opportunities for teammates to step up. I recently questioned whether or not Russell Westbrook and Kevin Durant can play togethe[...]
Georgia GOP Sec’y Of State Sued For Sitting On Voter Registrations
A voter registration group and the NAACP have sued Georgia’s secretary of state, a Republican, for failing to process over 40,000 voter registrations collected since last spring. Many of the new voters are minorities. If they can’t vote, that could tip two close Georgia races to Repu[...]
Letter to the President of the University of Washington
Dear President Young, My name is Anthony Washington. I am a former student-athlete at the University of Washington. I played under Lorenzo Romar from 2002-2004, before leaving after my sophomore year with 96 credits. A few days ago a friend of mine sent me a link to a story on ESPN by Adam Ritte[...]
WHy is Cory Booker not praised in the Black community?
Recently a friend of mine asked me why New Jersey Senator, Cory Booker does not receive more recognition in the Black community as a leader? Although I do not speak for all black people I will attempt to give my friend an answer from my perspective. Although I do feel Cory Booker should be admired[...]