Posts Tagged ‘taxes’

August 2nd, 2016 - 1:41 am § in Donald Trump, Misc.

Warren Buffett Challenges Trump to a Tax Duel

OMAHA, Neb. — The “Oracle of Omaha” went directly after Trump, dismissing the Republican real estate magnate’s excuse for not releasing his tax returns. “I would like to make him an offer I hope he can’t refuse,” Buffett told Clinton’s supporters at a rally. “I’ve got news for h[...]

July 24th, 2016 - 10:09 am § in The Ave Scene

Seattle: $15,000,000 house with $3000 in Taxes?

Just listed and down the street from my house.   Redfin says the taxes are less than mine!  My wife insisted  this must be an error .. but she looked it up.  The assessed value on the house is $2 million. The taxable value $0 ![...]

May 4th, 2016 - 1:15 am § in Misc., The Ave Scene

Seattle Spoils System

Eight of nine Seattle City Council members voted Monday to hire an additional aide for each Councilor.  That makes four aides to serve the voters!  The increase was supposedly because the new system makes seven Councilor into DISTRICT councilors. So, supposedly the Districts will now be better se[...]

February 9th, 2016 - 6:53 pm § in Misc.

Why I support Bernie

I do not know how a Bernie Sanders would actually govern, but I want whoever gets elcted to have clear policy goals.  Tax refor  must be one of these. [...]

January 25th, 2016 - 8:46 am § in Misc., The Ave Scene

PORK: what King County did With $28 million in left over funds

The Kingdome might be gone, but the $28.4 million in  excess tax money raised to build a new roof of the now-imploded stadium will be nobly called …  “Building for Culture” legislation: • Investing for Youth: $1,631,500 — Providing the resources needed to develop the audien[...]

November 23rd, 2015 - 12:26 pm § in Misc.

Pfizer Takes its Money and Runs

Robert Reich Patents owned by foreign companies should be protected, but not for the extended periods drug companies have recently won. But foreign companies—and Pfizer will become one—should not be allowed to lobby in the US or contribute to US political campaigns.[...]

August 22nd, 2015 - 11:28 am § in Misc.



April 17th, 2015 - 11:03 pm § in The Ave Scene

DAVID PRESTON: “Darling Leader”wants to raise King County taxes so government can get its hooks into our kids

. “Revenue raised by the levy would also provide mental health screenings for all kids in King County, increase funding for programs that prevent homelessness, and provide universal access to developmental screenings for infants, among ot…her goals.” . Mental health screenings for [...]

April 15th, 2015 - 11:00 pm § in Misc.

Tax Reform
