According to Raw Story, they’ll “make cuts to Social Security and Medicare. McCarthy also announced that there won’t be any support for funding to help Ukraine fight off the Russian invasion. He has also stated that the GOP intends to fight to raise the debt ceiling, which would sh[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Social Security and Medicare’
If the GOP wins House control, here’s their economic plan
M$ All .. an incisive debate on Politico!
Today, health care is the largest employer in over 55 percent of U.S. congressional districts ― a political reach the defense industry must envy. Read the full debate! [...]
“Medicare for All” is a slogan, not a policy. If there is any real lesson to come from the Trump Presidency, the lesson may be the dangers of trying to base policy on a campaign slogan. In 20 years, politicians will use the slogan “Remember the Wall” to accuse their competi[...]
What is patriotism?
Patriotism is loyalty to a country, not a leader, party, or ideology. Which raises the questions, what is a country, and why have one? Rebecca Gordon, who teaches philosophy at the University of San Francisco, writing in Mother Jones, explores these questions here. Her article is worth reading. &nbs[...]