Danny Westneat, Seattle Times (excerpted) “It’s not even close,” says Bob McIntyre. “In the past three years, you have paid way more into the system than Boeing.” McIntyre is a tax wonk, the director of … Citizens for Tax Justice, released a study showing that 12 [...]
Posts Tagged ‘Military’
SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Soldier fails required spiritual fitness test.
from the Humanist: (excerpted) Fort Hood houses the Spiritual Fitness Center, a facility functioning on the edict that all human beings are comprised of three components: the physical (body), the mental (mind), and the spiritual (soul). These three attributes are interwoven and interdependent, and t[...]
UPDATE: Breaking News: U.S. Forces Kill Osama bin Laden
original post on May 1 at 8:30 AM. President Obama has announced that U.S. forces have killed Osama bin Laden and have his body. see video. “We condemn the assassination and the killing of an Arab holy warrior. We regard this as a continuation of the American policy based on oppression and t[...]
Der Spiegel: “The nuclear catastrophe unfolding in faraway Fukushima has led many to raise questions about the safety of America’s nuclear reactors. But one of the gravest threats lurks deep in the ground at Hanford, The lambs were born without eyes or mouths. Some had legs that had grot[...]
Freedom of The Web.
Ed. After the North African and Bahraini revolutions, there can be no doubt that free and unlimited access to the web needs to become a basci, human right. For other posts on this subject, click here. by Geov, 03/17/2011, 11:14 AM It’s a staple of the mudslinging in comment threads at various poli[...]