Posts Tagged ‘Arizona’

August 2nd, 2022 - 10:00 am § in Donald Trump, Politics

Dead voters in Arizona

You may recall after Fox News called Arizona for Biden an angry mob of Trumpers threatened to storm the Maricopa County elections office (story here). Weeks later, they called GOP Gov. Ducey a “traitor” for certifying the election (story here). Even after Biden took office, disgruntled A[...]

July 12th, 2022 - 8:46 pm § in Politics, Schools & Colleges

Arizona is no place to raise kids

Arizona spends less on K-12 education than almost any other state (see rankings here). That’s bad enough, but now their teachers aren’t required to graduate from college (see story here). This legislation was motivated by “a severe teacher shortage for the last six years, which, [...]

July 1st, 2022 - 6:26 pm § in Politics

Why do Republicans lie so much?

Four Republicans are running for Arizona governor, and three of them claimed the 2020 election was stolen in a debate on Wednesday, June 29, 2022 (read story here). The other refused to say whether she would’ve certified the election if she were governor. In Arizona, the ballots were officiall[...]

March 1st, 2022 - 2:40 am § in Economics, Politics

A simple answer to vote suppression

GOP legislatures are scrambling to restrict voting rights. In Arizona, “Republicans have introduced a bill that would … [also] allow the state legislature to reject election results” (see story here). (That’s not all. “The people who took video of police killing George [...]

February 16th, 2022 - 6:07 pm § in Politics

Garbage candidates are elected by garbage voters

Mark Finchem wants to run Arizona’s elections. Currently a state representative, he’s seeking an upgrade to secretary of state (story here). He shouldn’t be allowed to get within a country mile of that office. Not because he’s endorsed by Trump, but because of what he is. Fin[...]

February 11th, 2022 - 9:30 pm § in Biden, Democrats, Politics, Racism

Arizona GOP candidate’s ad spoofs violence against Democrats

  Super Bowl ad depicts GOP “sheriff” shooting Biden, Pelosi, and Sen. Mark Kelly Legitimate political discourse? By the way, this ad is racist, too, unless you think “Crazyface Pelosi” just accidentally sounds like Crazy Horse. Read story here. Return to The-Ave.US Home[...]

October 18th, 2021 - 5:06 pm § in Politics

“Q” runs for Congress

Ron Watkins (photo, left, complete with cowboy hat), widely believed to be the “Q” behind the QAnon conspiracy-theory movement, announced on Monday, October 18, 2021, that he’s running for an Arizona congressional seat “to fix elections.” Read story here. He didn’[...]

September 23rd, 2021 - 11:16 pm § in Donald Trump, Politics

Arizona GOP’s “audit” favors Biden

     After spending $5.7 million of mostly-private money (Arizona taxpayers involuntarily contributed $150,000) on a highly partisan, non-binding “audit” of Maricopa County’s 2020 election results, a leaked draft report appears to explode the GOP’s election fraud myths, be[...]

September 16th, 2021 - 10:09 pm § in Politics

Have GOP candidates quit crying wolf about elections?

Something is happening. Larry Elder conceded the California recall election, referred to Gavin Newsom as “Governor,” told his crowd he “lost,” and implored them to “be gracious in defeat” (read story here). In the Virginia governor’s race, the GOP candidate [...]

July 18th, 2021 - 12:40 pm § in Donald Trump, Politics

GOP “auditor” revives a false assertion about Arizona ballots

Tell people what they want to believe, and they’ll believe it. From day one, the Arizona Senate GOP’s sham “audit” of 2020 Maricopa ballots was always about trying to give legitimacy for false election conspiracy theories. To conduct the “audit,” they passed over [...]