WASHINGTON (AP) —”I think they’re just one of the most vicious, most ruthless organizations ever created by mankind,” Illinois Rep. Bobby Rush said of the NCAA at a congressional forum on college sports Tuesday. “I think you would compare the NCAA to Al Capone and to the Ma[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Academic Standards’
Good News for Harvard
Harvard Raises $639M Despite Tough Economy 1 By Tara W. Merrigan and Zoe A. Y. Weinberg Despite a shaky economy, Harvard raised a record setting $639 million during the 2011 fiscal year, the third-largest amount ever accrued in the University’s history.[...]
What If This Is The Future?
Excerpts from post by Jon Evans on Tech Crunch. There is something odd going on. While millions of long-term unemployed fight desperately to tread water, technology’s handmaidens — software engineers — are minting money like bailed-out bankers. The New York Times chimes in: “technology is qu[...]
Accreditation of Online “Universities” a hot potato
Based on a a truly frightening article The Chronicle of Higher Education WGU may want to worry about its accreditation. Congress has gotten involved in accrediting online colleges. The motivation in Congress is that “for-profit” companies rake in federal financial aid withou[...]
Our mismatch between the skills required for available jobs and individuals with those skills is growing faster than all but one other state, Delaware.
The Magic of “Computational Thinking” Training More Folks Who Can Get Jobs? In response to OPED at the Seattle Times. Rosemary McAuliffe, State Senator and Ed Lazowska , UW Prof. pof Computer Science Like evangelicals of the past, Senator . McAuliffe and Professor Lazowska, have a [...]
Another New Journal Challenges Elsevier’s Monopoly on Biology.
Royal Society to launch into the great wide open By Paul Jump Times Higher Education Top researchers in biology have yet another publishing option following the launch of a major open-access journal by the Royal Society. Open Biology, which will cover all areas with a molecular or cellular element[...]
BREAKING NEWS: Washington State May Need to Close Campuses and “Fire” Sudents Who Now Work For their Tuition!
From: President Bruce Shepard, WWU Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 12:06 PM Subject: Regarding Governor Gregoire`s Preliminary Supplemental Budget Proposal Colleagues: The Governor’s preliminary proposal to cut at least 15% and up to 20% from the state’s higher education budget�[...]
Will Congress Cut Salaries For UW School of Medicine Faculty?
The Scientist reports that the House draft of a budget for the NIH would cut the maximun salary for a Principal Investigator (PI) by 17%, from $199,700 to $165,300. This cut would have its most obvious effect on federal support for MD scientists. Because salaries for MDs are much higher t[...]
The Foundering Fathers vs Public Education
Mike Lee, Utah’s new Tea-Party Senator, tells us that: “…Congress has no business regulating our nation’s public education system, and has created problems whenever it has attempted to do so.” Senator Lee … not sure where your founding fathers did their founderi[...]
Goldman Sachs on The US Education System
from Jerusalem Post (excerpts) Abby Joseph Cohen, former Chief Investment Strategist at Goldman Sachs and now President of their Global Market Institute : “The most important challenge confronting the US economy is the education we provide our workers”. To be sure, Cohen cites the fed[...]