When will GOP leaders actually lead?

I keep reading that influential Republicans, from governors to members of Congress, don’t like what Trump has done to their party and wish he’d go away.

The latest is ex-Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA), photo left, who lost her seat in the 2018 midterms.

On Sunday, May 30, 2021, she said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that “Republicans want to get away from Donald Trump,” and claimed that if he “disappeared tomorrow, I don’t think you’d have many Republicans in the search party.” (Story here, watch the interview in the video below.)

Without a doubt, there are many Not Democrats who wish America had a political party that believed in free enterprise, small government, and individual responsibility and freedom. It used to have one, until it was swallowed up by a gun-waving mob of racists and conspiracy nuts who coalesced behind an amoral demagogue who yearns to be a strongman.

I sorta believe them when they say this isn’t what they want. I believe without reservation they’re a bunch of moral cowards.

There are more important things in life than being elected to Congress by QAnon crazies who attack Congress and send its members fleeing for their lives. Being right is one of them; getting elected by such people isn’t.

The job of a leader is to lead, not follow, but nearly every Republican leader is following the mob instead of trying to lead them back to where they say they want their party to be. That makes their words hollow and them a laughingstock.

There are no Republican leaders anymore, just as there is no Republican Party anymore. There is only the violent, anti-democratic, racist Cult of Trump.

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  1. Mark Adams #

    The Republican party is a big tent. Just like the Democrats there is no designated party leader, as we are not a parliamentary nation, and our parties are no longer support groups for an individual. The Republicans may simply be more Democratic than the Democratic party. And politicians also can read polls. Trump has high poll numbers among Republicans and likely voters who will vote Republican. The Republican real concern s a Independent Trump as that is a situation they dread. If anything the never Trumpers hurt the party more than Republicans care to admit. There are a lot of unfaithful Republican’s maybe Romney and them should go over to the other party rather than the party that rejected them over 8 years ago. Aws of right now Trump would be the candidate if the election were today, the candidate in 2022 if there were a Presidential race. He is the likely 2024 Republican candidate, and no other candidate has thus far emerged. Making Trump the defacto Republican leader. Who cannot talk on face book. Is that because Democrats are afraid?

  2. Roger Rabbit #

    The Republican Party is a shrinking tent. Big business is leaving. Suburban moms have left. All they have now is angry white guys without degrees, evangelicals, small business owners, and a wild collection of racists, bigots, and ignoramuses in thrall to a demagogue who is a liar, cheater, deadbeat, serial adulterer, draft dodger, and doesn’t have a moral bone in his body. He was kicked off Facebook by Facebook, not by Democrats, for violating their terms of service. You should know how that works, because you were kicked off for violating their terms of service. Will Trump be the GOP’s 2024 nominee? Hard to say, that’s a long way off, and a lot could happen between now and then; but if he is, 80 million-plus Americans who love this country and treasure its freedoms will again go over, around, or through whatever obstacles are thrown in their way to vote against him. Is he the de facto leader of the GOP? No, McConnell is; Trump is the de facto leader of a mob.