Flynn calls for U.S. military coup

It’s hard to believe Michael Flynn was a U.S. Army general. The man is a traitor. He took money from Russia and he’s called for the violent overthrow of the U.S. government more than once.

He did so in the Oval Office during a heated debate about Trump’s “options” (he didn’t have any) after losing the election. In those meetings, he argued that Trump should “suspend the Constitution, silence the press, and hold a new election under military authority,” according to Wikipedia (here), citing sources.

That didn’t happen, but Flynn wasn’t done. Speaking at the “For God & Country Patriot Roundup” conference on Sunday, May 30, 2021 (agenda here), Flynn told the wildly cheering crowd, “I want to know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here? No reason. I mean, it should happen.”

Flynn, who took an oath of loyalty to QAnon, a false conspiracy theory, last year also told the “For God etc.” convention of QAnon freaks and assorted other whackjobs and nuts that “the COVID-19 pandemic was fabricated as ‘a distraction to what happened on 3 November’ …. He added, ‘Everything we hear about Covid … is all meant … to gain control of a society … to force decisions on society, instead of allowing ‘we the people’ to make decisions.’ Flynn falsely suggested that getting the COVID-19 vaccine was required to get an identification card or to travel” (quoted from Wikipedia, link above).

That Flynn lies isn’t surprising. He pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, and he’d be in prison now if Trump hadn’t pardoned him. That pardon was like opening a kennel and letting a vicious dog run loose through the neighborhood.

Remember, this is a free country, and people can say whatever they want to. But don’t forget this man is a criminal who took money from our enemies, wants your votes overturned, and would make you live under a dictator. Read more here, if you have the stomach for it.

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