Fukyama, Reagan’s ideological theorist and author of “The End of History,” is now writing that Reaganomics destroyed the balance between individual ambition and liberal democracy needed to make a free market work. In essence he says that the USA is no longer at the end of histo[...]
Posts Tagged ‘USA’
Robert Gates, of WAstate, cuts Pentagon Budget!
Sec. Gates to Slash Pentagon Budget There goes the untouchable military budget: Defense Secretary Robert Gates is expected to announce around $100 billion in cuts to Pentagon spending on Thursday. The Defense Department has been under increasing pressure to cut costs in the face of a mounting nation[...]
Judge:Florida Legislature Has Tuition-Setting Power
Tuition To Be Set By the Legislature December 31, 2010, 7:47 am A state judge ruled on Thursday that Florida’s Legislature has the authority to set tuition for its 11 public universities, dealing another setback to a former governor and U.S. senator, Bob Graham, who had led a lawsuit seeking to gi[...]
End of the Filibuster?
from Chris Bowers Campaign Director, Daily Kos All 53 Democratic Senators who will be returning to the Senate next year have signed a letter saying Senate rules regarding the filibuster should be reformed. This is huge, because only a majority of Senators are needed to make reform happen. The questi[...]
National Privatized Radio (c) NPR 2011
Michael Hood at Blatherwatch writes about the right wing effort to defund NPR. While NPR itself now only receives 2% of its funding from Congress, the real danger may well be to KUOW and the other locaL affiliates. The local stations get about 10% of their budgets from Congress. That is only $90 m[...]
ANIMAL FARM, Congress Style
As government employees, we are all quite aware of NOT using government reources. How it it them that a Congressman’s son was caught using OUR federal Cadillac Escalade? Can a UW profs get a car too? Or at least a Vespa? The story is about John Conyer’s son. The Detroit Free Pr[...]
Obama, the Failed Professor?
I would like to suggest that our national problems have a strong message about the failures of American education. President Obama’s policies, given the challenges we face, have been outstanding, but his ability to teach Americans why these things need to be done has been abysmal. I say “[...]
Mourning for Our Country
Nov. 10 2010 I mourn the path my country is taking, and the social forces that drive it so. This, on a cloudless crisp fall day, trees in color, beautiful beyond words. We expect the seasons to turn. May our country, also. Halstead[...]
Should the UW Worry about the UK Budget?
Take a look at Britain. The government decided to freeze the science budget for the next four years at £4.6 billion. Researchers in Germany are getting a 7 percent increase in their budget. China will soon pass the US in numbers of patents. If the election goes badly in two weeks, the US Congre[...]
Were You Invited?
Apropos of the interest shown by former Speaker Gingrich in honoring physicians with an award for their commitment to medicine, I wonder if any of the UW medical school faculty received invitations to accept this prestigious award? If any of us did receive an invitation, would our acceptance of th[...]