The strange thing about these data is that McAuliffe was supposed to be LEADING the ticket BUT Democrat Ralph Northam defeated Republican E.W. Jackson for Virginia lieutenant governor and Mark Obenshain, a Cuccinelli clone is leading Mark Herring by over 3%!!! Maybe Virginians like having the[...]
Posts Tagged ‘sexism’
SCARY NEWS FROM VA: State seems to want to elect government that rapes women!
Women’s Rights in Arabia
Saudi- 18 lingerie shops closed for failure to employ women (MENAFN – Arab News) The Labor Ministry in coordination with the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs this week closed 18 lingerie shops in shopping centers east of Riyadh after they failed to employ Saudi women. “We’ll[...]
RACISM: Victoria’s Secret
Victoria’s Secret Does It Again: When Racism Meets Fashion[...]
The Sexually Dimorphic, Politicially Incorrect Analysis of Campaigning
Michele Bachmann’s Makeup Woes Continue At Book Signing (The Huffington Post Ellie Krupnick) We’ve written before about the GOP candidate’s issues with maquillage, the main one being that she wears too much of it. Now it’s easy to fall into the overly-shellacked t[...]
The Atlantic: Harem Huskies, the Hazards of Duke Athletics
Some years ago my family and I happened to sit at Sunday brunch next to a table where a covey or Husky cheerleaders were being used to woo a potential football player. I was younger then and .. to do full disclusre … found the experience extremely arousing. My more mature faculties, howe[...]