Posts Tagged ‘Foreign’

April 20th, 2011 - 7:43 am § in Schools & Colleges

College Tutition in UK: $10,000

Leaks say Conservative Government is raising numbers to $10,000, The Guardian  estimates the real number as $14,000! from the Guardian UK (excerpted) Ministers have suffered a major blow to their tuition-fee reforms after the government’s access watchdog revealed that all universities intend [...]

April 20th, 2011 - 5:31 am § in America, Schools & Colleges, Science

Why American Education Outclasses the World.

Recently I had the “fun” of being invited to evaluate the world’s elite universities. I had read these ratings before but had not thought much about the process. One thing I REALLY tried to do was to be fair when it came to world class universities outside the US. I was especially [...]

April 18th, 2011 - 3:20 am § in Schools & Colleges

Are All Kids Equal?

Do private schools have the right to choose the kids that they want to serve? This issue is very important in countries like India where getting into the “right” private school may be critical to a child’s future. The lessons for debt plagued Americs should be obvious: from The Hin[...]

April 3rd, 2011 - 7:15 am § in America, Politics, Schools & Colleges

China ‘to overtake US on science’ in two years

David Shukman Science and environment correspondent, BBC News China is on course to overtake the US in scientific output possibly as soon as 2013 – far earlier than expected. That is the conclusion of a major new study by the Royal Society, the UK’s national science academy. The country [...]

March 31st, 2011 - 9:37 am § in America, Schools & Colleges

Will the American taxpayer now be subsidizing students at Yale-Singapore?

Yale Opens College In Singapore As Yale opens its Singapore Campus, shouldn’t we all ask the question …. .. is this the beginning of the globalization of American Higher Education? GE  recently got a lot of bad press because it paid no American taxes. The reason for this was that GE IS [...]

March 30th, 2011 - 1:18 am § in China

Scams: Invite to China

Received in my email.  Note, no plans to pay my way!  I go, pay them to talk! Someone must bite, I get a couple of these every week!  Please feel free to respond for yourself, just don;t use my name! BIT’s 9th Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science and Technology (IDDST) Theme:[...]

March 29th, 2011 - 1:03 pm § in America, Schools & Colleges

Recruiting in China Pays Off for U.S. Colleges

By JACQUES STEINBERG, excerpted from NY Times Dozens of American colleges and universities are seeing a surge in applications (and similar brochures) from students in China, where a booming economy means that more families can pursue the dream of an American higher education. read more. By Karin Fis[...]

March 24th, 2011 - 4:15 pm § in Politics, Schools & Colleges

University Senate Vote Boycotts Ties to Israel

What happens if you have two ideas a strange as Zionism and Faculty Governance? Some call it democracy. Ed. I am a Zionist & a firm believer in faculty governance.  I believe that Israel has as much right to exist as France or Egypt and a lot more right to exist than such post colonial [&hellip[...]

March 20th, 2011 - 6:00 pm § in Uncategorized

75% of Aussie Universities Do Not Meet World Standards

from the Australian An analysis of the government’s Excellence in Research for Australia report conducted by The Australian found that only 12 universities were performing research at or above international standard, with the top four performing at a rate that could be considered well above in[...]

March 17th, 2011 - 10:43 am § in Schools & Colleges

An Open Letter to University Presidents

from UNILEAKS Dear President, Welcome to UniLeaks. We are a new online project dedicated to publishing information on public interest matters relating to the higher education industry. In essence, a version of Wikileaks aimed at Universities. While initiated in Australia, UniLeaks, like the industry[...]