Katherine Long has a very disturbing story at the Times about programs being cut from the community colleges. The irony in Katherine’s story is that these community college programs have a documented record of real productivity .. over 80% of the grads get REAL jobs. Why are these real progr[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Academic Standards’
WA tries to make WA education as bad as the worst education in India
“The legislature finds that some students are eager to complete a degree in the shortest time possible in order to enter the job market. The legislature further finds that providing streamlined path to a baccalaureate degree would shorten the time required for students to complete a degree, impr[...]
Selling online education, WGU style
Aside from the question of ACADEMIC standards, I have serious concerns about the PROPRIETY of how WGU and the associated online “industry” advertizes its services. Here are a few clips I made from online WGU ads as well as a recent generic video promoting the onlne ed industry:[...]
BREAKING NEWS: WGU Can Now “Upgrade” Any Associate Degree to a Bachelor’s or Master’s for $12,000
WA state’s public colleges and universities have high standards that are recognized across the nation. The UW is rated amongst the elite, small group of public Ivies . WSU is a premier state university while WWU and Evergreen regularly rank at the top of national surveys. Our other regio[...]
Study: It’s not the teacher, But the tools that matter
Jeff Sandefer, a new colleague and educational entrepreneur from Texas, referred me to this report from NPR. The account illustrates the promise and the danger of terms like “on line education of” or “interactive learning.” The promise is very real. Watson and, later Ski[...]
Feds Replace College Faculty With Online Quizzes.
Ed: Imagine a future where a politically influenced, centralized, federal bureaucracy can put its stamp on courseware that awards credit in evolution, economics or even American History. This article in the Chronicle talks about a $2 billion dollar federal effort to develop open courseware. Th[...]
FSU Allows Donor To Screen Faculty Candidates
My jaw dropped when I saw this item in the St. Petersburg, Florida, Times (via the vigilant folks at Buzzflash.com). http://www.tampabay.com/news/business/billionaires-role-in-hiring-decisions-at-florida-state-university-raises/1168680 Florida State University has accepted a $1.5 million gift from b[...]
Open Season on Politicians Who Plagiarize
Guttenberg has since lost his Ph.D. and completely withdrawn from public life. from Der Spiegel by Oliver Trenkamp It started with Germany’s defense minister. But once Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg lost his job, many of the researchers who uncovered his plagiarized dissertation have moved on to n[...]
Thanks for the Education
Amar Bose donates majority of Bose Corporation shares to MIT, says thanks for the education By Vlad Savov posted May 2nd 2011 5:48AM If you haven’t heard of Dr. Amar Bose directly, you’ve surely heard of his eponymous audio equipment company. Late last week, the 81-year old founder and c[...]
Seattle Times Endorses WGU, Says Diplomas Are The Issue.
The editorial (excerpts below) from the Seattle Times reveals an extraordinary lack of understanding by the Times .. and our legislators .. of the difference between a diploma and an education. Western Governors “carries the same level of accreditation as Stanford University and other institut[...]