Trump declares Ukraine “can’t be rebuilt”

“Those cities are gone, they’re gone, and we continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refused to make a deal, Zelensky,” Trump declared on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 (read story here), as he campaigns against the U.S. helping Ukraine defend itself.

He assumes Putin is willing to make a deal; even if he is, any deal Putin makes will amount to Ukraine’s surrender, because Putin doesn’t care a whit about the sacrifice of Russian lives, so he has no incentive to end the war short of his objectives.

And giving Putin what he wants will make Europe less safe, because it rewards him for aggression, and frees him to rebuild Russia’s military so he can attack again. His ambitions don’t stop at Ukraine’s borders; they include restoring the entire former Soviet bloc to Moscow’s dominance.

Trump embodies the isolationism the world indulged in the 1930s only to find out the fruit of appeasement was a world war costing over 50 million human lives.

As for his claim that Ukraine’s cities “can’t be rebuilt,” of course they’ll be rebuilt, as historical precedent proves. American and British bombers leveled German cities in World War 2; in the photos below, see Berlin in 1945 and that city today.

Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s also a pushover for dictators like Putin and China’s Xi. That’s why 741 national security experts, Democrats and Republicans, military generals and civilian diplomats, endorsed Harris last week (see story here).

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