Will Stephen Miller be America’s Heydrich?

Stephen Miller (bio here), an immigration hardliner, likely would become immigration czar in a second Trump administration.

Trump has promised “the largest mass deportation campaign in US history,” Mother Jones says (read article here); and last weekend, in a Truth Social post (view it here), he added a new term with a new wrinkle.

The term is “remigration,” and is understood in far-right circles to refer to “mass expulsion of non–ethnically European immigrants and their descendants, regardless of citizenship.” In Europe it’s used by ethnic nationalists as a “euphemism for the forced expulsion of people to ‘achieve cultural hegemony and ethnic homogeneity.’”

There’s no chance Trump doesn’t know this. A history professor who studies fascism and authoritarianism says Trump “chooses his words carefully” and “knows what he’s doing.” He appears to be endorsing ethnic cleansing, and Stephen Miller is the man to carry it out.

All that’s missing is concentration camps, and those are on the drawing board; in 2023, Miller told the New York Times that Trump’s plans for a second term include, “Building mass detention camps, suspending the refugee program and invoking a centuries-old law to deport people without due process” (see story here).

Previously, Trump has called for ending birthright citizenship, and Miller has supported revoking the citizenship of naturalized immigrants. It’s hard to tell how far they would go, but if they round up millions of immigrants, some U.S. citizens almost certainly will be caught in the dragnet and expelled with the non-citizens.

Now, Trump seems to be saying citizenship doesn’t even matter. The term “remigration” suggests if you’re not of European stock, you don’t belong in America, and you’re earmarked for expulsion. Put another way, he intends to “Make America white again.”

Overblown? Perhaps, but that sentiment is consistent with Trump’s and Miller’s past words and conduct, I wouldn’t trust either these guys to respect the rights of non-white Americans.

For what it’s worth, Stephen Miller (left) bears an uncanny resemblance to Heinrich Heydrich (right), the Nazi organizer of the Holocaust. Sure, comparing physical appearance is superficial. By the way, do you believe in reincarnation?

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