J. D. Vance blundered four times in one week

J. D. Vance is a political novice and klutz.

He had no experience in politics before being elected to the Senate two years ago;  and it painfully shows.

Six days ago he suggested solving America’s day care crisis by asking Grandpa and Grandma to watch the kids while the parents work.

Five days ago he called school shootings a “fact of life.”

Two days ago he embraced a ridiculous conspiracy theory alleging, without evidence, that immigrants in an Ohio city abducting and eating pet dogs and cats. (The city manager said no such incidents have been reported.)

Yesterday he embraced Trump’s illegal “alternative electors” scheme. (Read story here.)

Vance isn’t stupid; he has a Yale law degree. But this is stupid, clumsy politics. His views on women — he thinks they should be housewives, and pump out babies, whether they want to or not — aren’t so much stupid as arrogant and misogynistic.

I guess his wife is okay with it, but millions of women don’t want him telling them how to live their lives, and that won’t help elect the GOP ticket. But Trump chose this klutz, and he’s stuck with him.

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