Why do people shoot and kick dogs?

Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) says she shot her puppy in a gravel pit on her farm because it killed some chickens.

I had a dog I fed chickens (although not live ones; but does it matter who kills them, the dog or poultry plant workers?).

Secret Service agents saw Eric Evan Brown, 57, a Florida trailer park resident, grab his dog (represented at right) by its collar and throw it into his RV while kicking it, according to a Florida TV station (read story here).

They’d gone there to question Brown about his social media posts threatening to kill Hillary Clinton. After threatening to kill the agents, he’s in federal custody, which no doubt is a relief to another resident of the trailer park he also threatened to kill.

Mr. Brown, who is not a Democrat, seems to have an anger problem he mostly takes out on people but also on dogs. Maybe he keeps the dog around to have somebody to kick. I’m kinda surprised his dog doesn’t bite him.

Maybe it does.

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