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Featuring news and commentary from a reasoned perspective

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This website includes news summaries, essays and commentary, videos and short movies, and offbeat and whimsical humor. It adds background and perspective to news, with links to related articles, and calls attention to stories you might otherwise miss. On the front page are stories we’re highlighting and the newest postings. As articles drop off the front page, they appear in chronological order with the most recently posted ones first. To find older entries, scroll past the bottom article and click on “Previous Entries.” You can backtrack by clicking on “Next Entries.” To search by topic, use the “Search” function at the top of this page, click on the Topic Bar above, or click on the tags on this page. There’s also an Archive index on the front page to search postings by month and year, and links to featured postings on this site within the “Selected Movie & Article Links” window on the front page.

What’s the point? Why bother to write this blog? The only logical reason is because people read it, and they read it because it’s of value to them. Unlike many blogs, this one has no monetary motive; it has no income and only nominal expenses. It’s a hobby for information junkies, aimed at like-minded people who like to know stuff. It’s formatted to be skimmed rapidly like a newspaper, and perused at leisure. Postings, articles, and essays are designed to be gateways to more information, with links to follow-up sources. They’re also intended to be thought-provoking, by throwing out ideas from perspectives you don’t have to agree with, but which may get you thinking. Why read it? For the same reason George Leigh Mallory wanted to climb Everest: “Because it’s there.”

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