Leaving aside the escapades of Judge Boof Kavanaugh and his gang, I am repelled by the stories of male thuggish behavior at the all boy, all catholic Georgetown prep. Is this normal?
I am a male (wow!) Harvard (ehh!) grad. After my time, when the College went coed, I worried about the loss of the male binding rituals. Even though I was never part of these rituals ias a student in Winthrop House, the stories about Boof and his biddies at Georgetown and Yale ring true from what I saw. Drunken parties with yelling men (boys) and screaming coeds were common. As I remember, one group even kept a young girl in their apartment for weeks or moths as a sex slave. Back then this seemed funny .. as long as we nerds kept away, it was not a moral cencern.
Harvard (and Yale) eventually solved this problem by becoming co-ed. This makes me now wonder: Perhaps all male schools are intrinsically toxic? Are places like Georgeown Prep, a Catholic shool, as toxic as the all male Catholic priesthood? Does this problem also afflict the Orthodox Jewish rabbinate and Buddhist male monasteries?