Amazon Announces First Perk ..The AMP

Amazon AMPAmazon has been famous for offering few of works typical of its competitor’s. Jeff Bezos has insisted that his employees can buy their own lunch ! No free massagesNow, Amazon, working with designer Cornelius Comanns.  has come up with a great Amazonian perk. Instead of a vacation, employees can choose to live in Amazon provided “mobile pod!”

Based in Italy’s  Piaggio APE 50,  designed by Cornelius Comanns, the amp is the cutest little three wheeled vehicle you’ll ever set your eyes on.

Do you love camping? How about totally on your own? How about camping totally on your own inside an amp? Amazon’s amp is  a one-person camper made for absolute flexibility, the Amazon amp has all the elements needed for living.

Only the engine, frame, chasis, and parts of the cab were kept from the  Piaggio APE 50.
The vehicle  uses only a tiny amount of gas.  
Inside the amp you’ll find a bed, two seatings, a cooking zone, basin, relatively lots of storage, a refrigerator, and more. (

In the Amazon tradition, the amp is designed ot disrupt (avoid) traditional taxes.  The vehicle is exempt from taxes in some countries because of its extremely economical working nature. It is also allowed in certain metropolitan areas that larger cars are not. The car is even legal to park in most shopping malls, and includes a micro potty for those who cannot hold it during the hours the mall is closed.

Amazon’s mobile pods are all outfitted with the same whispernet that allows the Kindle to always be connected! So Amazon workers can contribute to the company wherever and whenever!

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