White Suspect Sat In Prayer Meeting At Black Church For Nearly An Hour Before Opening Fire… Shooter’s Alleged Words: ‘You Rape Our Women… You Have To Go’… Roommate: Wanted To Start Civil War… Wore Pro-Apartheid Patch On Jacket…
William Quick (my brother in law, comment in TA): It is absolutely despicable that you repeat this racist nonsense speculating about flying the Confederate flag at half-staff in SC. The tragedy that occurred at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C. deserves respect and sympathy, not your bigoted remarks. READ MORE BY BILL

A Confederate flag flies outside the South Carolina State House in Columbia, South Carolina

Ric Nix (Facebook) in these discussions the participants forget that they were Americans who fell so copiously on the fields of battle. according to most people, war casualties should be honored and respected. the Confederate flag is perfectly suited to commemorate the dead Americans who fought for the South. but the victors write the histories, and people from the North have cooperated in making of the flag a symbol of bigotry. but history should not be ignored, twisted or forgotten. simply because the flag represents the bigotry of some, doesn’t mean that we have the right to disrepect the fallen.
Shooter Received Gun For 21st birthday
Frequent Fox guest: Whites might shoot up more black churches if Obama keeps calling them racist
South Carolina Has Permissive Gun Laws And That Won’t Change

Confederate Flag Still Flying High In South Carolina “It’s up there,” Will Whitson, a Columbia-based state reporter for Raycom Media, told The Huffington Post Thursday afternoon. “One thing is, I don’t think the flag is on a pulley — so even if they wanted to put it at half-staff, they couldn’t. And to remove it from the grounds would require a legislative vote.” The Confederate flag’s presence on the statehouse grounds remains legally protected under the 2000 South Carolina Heritage Act, which also stipulates that streets, parks and other public areas named for historical figures may not be renamed without a two-thirds vote from the state General Assembly.
Nikki Haley (governor) “What I can tell you is over the last three and a half years, I spent a lot of my days on the phones with CEOs and recruiting jobs to this state,” “I can honestly say I have not had one conversation with a single CEO about the Confederate flag.” Governor Haley also says she feels racism in South Carolina was over because of her election and the election of Tim Scott. Sandip Roy has another view of Brahmins from India, people like Nikki Haley, Bobby Jindal or Seattle’s own Kshama Sawant. who come from India’s highest caste and then declare themselves to be people of color.
Brian Wetnight (FACEBOOK) Is it possible that this was a hate crime? Just not the kind our media wants to talk about. Could it be that they were attacked because they were Christians? I think that local law enforcement and the media were to quick to label this as a racially motivated hate crime. Now, it could be just that. But, I think we should get the facts first.
Rick Santorum “You talk about the importance of prayer in this time and we’re now seeing assaults on our religious liberty we’ve never seen before. It’s a time for deeper reflection beyond this horrible situation.” — Rick Santorum Baloney. This was a white racist killing black churchgoers because he hates black people. His own words prove it. ……”
White Supremacists Worried Charleston Shooting Makes Them Look Bad
The fact that I am your brother-in-law has absolutely nothing to do with this issue.
The reader should also be aware that Governor Haley has called for the death penalty for the killer of 9 innocent people in a church in Charleston: see NYTimes story, http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/20/us/charleston-shooting-dylann-storm-roof.html
and that Senator Graham said (quoted by ABC News) “I can’t explain this,” he said. “I don’t know what would make a young man at 21 get so sick and twisted to kill 9 people in a church – this is beyond my understanding.”
Yes I read Haley’s comment. I also read her statements that the Stars and Bars were fine because no corporate executive has brought this issue up with her. She has also said that the she felt the race issue was over because she, a “brown” person, got elected as Governor. Since I am fairly certain that Ms. Haley is a Brahmin, someone ought to tell Ms. Haley that the Brahmin caste is anything but Black. She and her friend Jindal ought to lay off identifying with the descents of slaves.
So tell me Bill, do you really think the Stars and Bars is not a symbol of racism????? If so I assume you would also like to see the Swastika flown at Charleston’s memorial to the Nazis? Maybe they could fly together?
Charleston does NOT have a memorial to the Nazis. Either you are (1) deliberately misleading your readers or (2) you are demented.
I suspect you may be demented — you can’t even spell my name correctly: Tags: Confederacy, racism, Sawant, South Carolina, Wliiam Quick
Sorry Bill, it does.
Demented?? Is that a clinical diagnosis? I thought you were no longer licensed. OH, yeh you wanted the UW to end my tenure because of your diagnosis of my mental insanity. Were you liscensd when you made that diagnosis.
BTW, how come you took down the “Steve Shits” website? Did your attorney tell you how to spell slander?
I DO take racism and bigotry very seriously, after all I was raised by a man and a woman who fought those wars valiantly and grew up in a pro Nazi, violently anti semitic neighborhood.
Fortunately for your wife, Stephi, by the time she was in school most of that had died down. I do not think she was ever stoned by the Catholic kids for killing Jesus? I was and still ahve the scares where my Dad sowed up my head!
I have no doubt that neither of your are racist. I do remember fondly Stephi talking abut building her own house down there and looking forward to the new sailing waters. For that matter I suspect that even Governor Haley, spite her self serving effort to pass as White and as Black at different times, is not a racist. Not everyne who chooses to live in a racist society is a racist.
If you have not done so, I recommend you read Nadine Gordimer. Do you now who she was? She won the Nobel Prize for writing about Jewish life under Apartheid in South Africa. Many in our community opposed the Afrikaner regime and Jews were prominent in the ANC. However, as Jew, I know that most Jews in South Africa simply wanted to live a good life. Few had the yiddishkeit, the Jewish sense of morality, to fele revulsion against their own society .. much less actively resisted the Aparthied regime? Sadly the same situation exists today under the government of Netanyahu. I have liberal Israeli friends who are disgusted but as of yet, there is no leader who can birng down Israel’s own form of Apartheid.
I assume you know the sad historic role of Jews in Atlanta, their support for slavery and even worse for Jim Crow is a shanda.
As an adopted Southern Jew, where do you stand on Israelu Apartheid?
Last anecdote: have you visited Dachau? the stench of racism is hard for me to take. The camp was a short distance from downtown, The good bergers of that liberal village could h smell the stench and hear the cries, but they were in denial.
@4 Your brother-in-law isn’t the best typist in the world. He makes a lot of typos. That’s not the same thing as misspelling it.
The Confederate flag is a complicated issue. So is the Southern tradition of honoring its Civil War dead. I’ve posted an article about it on this blog.