Archive for March, 2015

March 8th, 2015 - 4:49 am § in Misc.

What a Woman Did

Women Who Changed the World Through Science & Engineering: Helen Taussig – American Cardiologist and Researcher –Widely considered the founder of modern-day Pediatric Cardiology –Discovered the cause of “Blue Baby Syndrome” in infants, and helped ban the use of the drug Thalidomide for[...]

March 8th, 2015 - 4:14 am § in Uncategorized

SUNDAY REVELATIONS: The Maharat … Orthodox answer to the female rabbi.

Yeshivat Maharat, a four-year program training Orthodox women as spiritual leaders, will graduate its first class in June, a milestone bound to intensify the debate over women’s roles in Modern and centrist Orthodoxy. Sara Hurwitz, 36, a protegé of Rabbi Avi Weiss, is the school’s dean. Avi Wei[...]

March 8th, 2015 - 1:46 am § in Hypocrisy


Those of us who believe in God and derive our sense of right and wrong and ethics from God’s Word really have no difficulty whatsoever defining where our ethics come from. People who believe in survival of the fittest might have more difficulty deriving where their ethics come from. A lot of e[...]

March 7th, 2015 - 9:20 pm § in Uncategorized

Ferguson rogue’s gallery

If you’re interested, this article delves into who the bad guys are in America’s most infamous municipality. There’s so much more to this story than the issue of Darren Wilson’s guilt or innocence. DOJ’s verdict: Wilson is innocent, but Ferguson is a pit of racism and c[...]

March 7th, 2015 - 8:52 pm § in Misc.

“Letter to the 53%”

Young, tough, and strong — but naive. So sure of himself, he’s ready to judge others at a finger snap. Yet still so young and naive; so someone older and wiser decided to set him straight: Hello, I briefly visited the “We are the 53%” website, but I first saw your face on a liberal [[...]

March 7th, 2015 - 5:16 pm § in Misc.

Eric Holder is useless

I don’t disagree with conservatives about everything. They think Eric Holder sucks, and so do I, albeit for different reasons. My reasons: 1. Holder, as a flunky assistant attorney general, crafted what became the DOJ’s policy of allowing crooked bankers to avoid prosecution by having [...]

March 7th, 2015 - 4:59 pm § in Uncategorized

Poor people’s cash paid for this fancy building

“[O]ur investigation found instances in which the court charged $302 for a single Manner of Walking violation; $427 for a single Peace Disturbance violation; $531 for High Grass and Weeds; $777 for Resisting Arrest; and $792 for Failure to Obey, and $527 for Failure to Comply, which officers a[...]

March 7th, 2015 - 12:17 pm § in Misc.

THE Ave Challenge: Where is this billboard honoring KKK founder?

A. Selma, adjacent to the historic Edmund Pettus Bridge. B. Charleston South Carolina, where principles of the KKK were written in a synagogue. C. Louisville Kentucky, where Nathan Bedford Forrest began his career D. Spokane Washington, home of the John Birch Society E. Smithsonian Museum Civil War[...]

March 7th, 2015 - 10:03 am § in Misc.

BREAKING NEWS: As talks with Iran come to a critical juncture, Khameini critically ill.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has been reportedly hospitalized in critical condition as of Wednesday.  The 76 year old Imam has been suffering from advanced metastatic  prostate cancer and reportedly was rushed to hospital last Tuesday . Shortly after being admitted to hospital la[...]

March 7th, 2015 - 6:00 am § in Uncategorized

BREAKING NEWS: GOP backs down, will send token dignitary to Selma commemoration

Republicans, after snubbing the 50th anniversary commemoration of Selma’s history-making civil rights marches,  have decided to send newly chosen House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as their token dignitary. Apparently no southern Republican stepped up to the task.  It will be intere[...]