THE SEA SCOUTS ON LAKE UNION: The Seattle Youth Maritime Foundation is raising funds to create a great boating opportunity on Lake Union. They have assembled a great team of leaders and a fleet of boats, but need funding for uniforms, permanent headquarter facilities, chase boats, repairs, and other[...]
Archive for March, 2015
PRESIDENT ROMNEY: Welcoming a friend to address Congress
President Romney, “It was a great pleasure today for the President and the Congress to bestow honorary American Citizenship on Prime Minister Netanyahu. Previously only Winston Churchill and Maggie Thatcher have received this honor. ” Notably Ambassador Palin sat in for Vice Presiden[...]
Barbie Hits 55! Still Single and Beautiful!
Barbie’s birthday is March 9, 1959. She is the iconic American woman .. beautiful, powerful, straight and single. Most of what is known about this American heroine comes from biographies published by Random House in the 1960s. Born in Willows, Wisconsin.[9] as Barbara Millicent Roberts, her [...]
THE Ave Challenge: What is it?
A. Stadium for Football in Qatar B. Ai Wei Wei’s design for New Stadium in Tibet C. Set for “Vagina Stadium” in upcoming movie about world ruled by women D. Ancient Greek fertility temple E. Drawings of temple of women’s sports in Iran.[...]
More on The Cougar School of Medicine and PORK.
Over at the AAUP listserv, Professor Sharona Gordon asked a good question : . Who is it at WSU that wants a new medical school? Don’t they have shared governance? Is it the faculty and the administration? Do the students have a say? Is it just the board of regents? Can someone explain their logic?[...]
No honest person can dimiss the reality of racism against African Americans or Native Americans even though Africans and Caribeans are doing rather well in the US. Nor can any one who watches Fox fail to see the less than subtle racism of the Republicans. BUT Liberals can be as racist as the rig[...]
REPORT: RUSSIAN ASSASSINATION SUSPECT BLOWS SELF UP Gettystock 5 Other Suspects Arrive In Court… 2 Men Charged… Both Reportedly From Chechnya… WHO ORDERED THE HIT?[...]
BREAKING UNNEWS: Benghazigate and Clinton’s Emails
Rep. Adam Schiff dealt a death blow to the Clinton email scandal by going on CNN and revealing that members of the Benghazi committee have already read the Clinton emails and they contain nothing.[...]
Chasing a willow-the-wisp
CNN reported this morning that the pinger battery aboard Malaysian Flight MH370 expired in 2012, more than a year before the plane disappeared somewhere in the Indian Ocean, and wasn’t replaced due to a maintenance scheduling computer error. Thus the battery may have been, or likely was, dead [...]
Inspired by Facebook
A new series on THE Ave .. graphics inspired by posts on Facebook. CLICK HERE for relevant posts on TA.[...]