Archive for March, 2015
BUCHENWALD 67: A Camp Survivor Talks About The Need to Preserve The Stories
Perhaps watching this amazing interview will help my siblings understand WHY we need to release our father’s pictures from Buchenwald into the public domain. For a small flavor of why this should be important, read abut this rather plain statement from polticians in South Carolina” There[...]
Israelis go to the polls
HOLY LAND ELECTION DRAMA BIBI VOWS NO PALESTINIAN STATE Who’s who in the 2015 Israel election? A guide to the right, the left, and everything in between.[...]
St Patty Day: Do You Find the Flag of the NY Police Offensive?
This man is a highway robber
His name is Lee Dove. He’s a sheriff’s deputy in Humboldt County, Nevada, a lightly populated desert area in northern Nevada that probably wouldn’t get many visitors if Interstate 80 didn’t pass through it. Which makes interstate travelers easy prey for a small town cop who i[...]
South Carolina grows ’em crazy
What kind of state produces people like this? Do they have an education system there? Did they close their mental hospitals and turn the patients loose?[...]
Bibi’s promise: No Palestinian state, ever!
A desperate Benjamin Netanyahu, who’s likely to lose tomorrow’s election in Israel, tried to rally his political base today by promising there’ll never be a Palestinian state and construction of Israeli settlements in the West Bank will accelerate if he’s re-elected. Which me[...]
How to Close The Ethnic Gap In Colleges
Northwestern University Reports Progress in Psychology & Sociology A strategy that narrows academic achievement gap by 63 percent New research from Northwestern and Stanford universities suggests that a novel one-hour intervention, exploring awareness of social class, reduced the persist[...]