Posts Tagged ‘free speech’

January 28th, 2014 - 4:23 pm § in America, Environment

Pete Seeger Dies


December 12th, 2013 - 11:46 am § in Uncategorized

Now THAT is copyright infringement

I am still waiting to find out who filed a complaint about THE Ave log. In the meantime, I think this is a great misuse of copyright … they also offer the Apple logo![...]

November 20th, 2013 - 1:12 pm § in Politics, Religion

Buchenwald 10: The Nazis and God

While discussing Buchenwald, this may be a good time to remember the myth that the Nazis were atheists. For more on their god Waralda, click here. “Atheism is the only world, or religious view that is not tolerated within the SS… I have not tolerated an atheist in the ranks of the SS. E[...]

October 28th, 2013 - 12:56 pm § in Hypocrisy, Politics, The Ave Scene

Why are you scared of me?

White America fears African American males.  The fear was evident during the Trayvon Martin case.  Its evident every time a black male is pulled over by police for no reason other than being black.  Many white Americans agreed with Zimmermans reasoning for stalking and killing a young  black kid[...]

September 30th, 2013 - 11:49 am § in Hypocrisy

Of Copyrights and “Revenge Porn”

Recently my brother in law, Bill Quick, demanded that I remove a picture of my father from this website. Although apparently motivated by the family feud, Bill had the right to demand this under copyright law. This issue of copyrights associated with photographs on the web has recently escalated bec[...]

August 25th, 2013 - 12:44 pm § in America, Hypocrisy

Busting the Cig Pushers

Brooklyn, NY – DA Busts Nearly $5 Million In Counterfeit Cigarettes At BP Warehouse Today 02:37 PM Brooklyn, NY – Kings County District Attorney Charles J. Hynes today announced the arrest of Yin Haun Zhao, charged with running a counterfeit cigarette ring that netted millions of dollars[...]

July 23rd, 2013 - 9:42 am § in America, Hypocrisy, Politics, Schools & Colleges, The Ave Scene

Free Speech Leads to Dismissal of Tenured Faculty at Washington State College

  NOTE TO FACULTY: DO NOT — USE YOUR UW EMAIL THE Ave has long suggested that UW faculty use UW email as little as possible.  This story makes that point: A recent newsletter of the Society for Human Resources Management: raises disturbing issues of free speech on a Washington state coll[...]

June 17th, 2013 - 12:31 pm § in America, Misc.

MOVEON: Register the voters!

From: Julia Rosen, Civic Action <[email protected]> Subject: Can you call Debra? To: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: Sunday, June 17, 2012, 10:47 AM We’re launching a brand new project to make sure members of the Rising American Electorate are registered and vote in November. O[...]

April 20th, 2013 - 11:23 am § in Religion

SUNDAY REVELATIONS: The meaning of Easter when Radicals Disrupt Christian Religous Service

Topless German Tries to Ruin Mass         Thinking about the radical meanings of Christianity …. a deity who sacrificed Himself by crucifixion, perhaps it is understandable when others use Hid ass as a platform for their own radical opinions.  Of course, the conservative commentator, [...]

March 11th, 2013 - 4:53 am § in Religion, Schools & Colleges

Antisemitism hits Harvard

Jewish Harvard Students Receive Mock Eviction Notices Jewish students at Harvard University receive mock eviction notices in light of “Israel Apartheid Week.” Is this antisemitism?  Imagine all Asian students getting this notice next time a Tibetan is immolated.  Or imagine all Catholic Studen[...]