Republicans don’t like elections

They’re suing to purge voter rolls. CNN reports, “As of Tuesday, at least three dozen cases related to voter rolls … are pending in 19 states” (read story here). A voting rights lawyer called it an “assault” on voter registrations and voter lists.

CNN added, “Questioning the accuracy of voter rolls has long been a hallmark of right-wing efforts to raise doubts about the integrity of elections.”

What do Republicans have against elections? After all, the system favors them. In the Electoral College, a vote in a small, rural, conservative state counts for more than a vote in a large, populous, urban state.

Want proof? In 2020, 343,729 Alaska voters got 3 electoral votes, or 1 per 114,576 voters, while 17,117,517 California voters got 55 electoral votes, or 1 per 311,221 voters. This gave Alaska voters a 2.7-to-1 advantage over California voters in choosing the president. In the Senate, Republicans won 49 seats to the Democrats’ 51 seats with 40 million fewer votes.

Despite this Republicans try to block people from voting, work to undermine confidence in elections, and circulate baseless lies about illegal voting (which is extremely rare).

Why? Because they’re so unpopular that even with their advantages they still lose. Their response is not better candidates, or policies voters agree with, but putting more restrictions on voting. They simply don’t like elections.

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