Tomi Lahren is hopeless in debate

Tim Miller is a Republican operative who’s worked for Jon Huntsman, Jeb Bush, and John McCain among others. Like Tomi Lahren, he has a bachelor’s degree in communications (see his bio here); but he’s been around politics longer, and is more experienced, than her. However, that alone can’t account for the gross disparity in intellectual firepower that Miller and Lahren bring to this debate.

For one thing, facts are on his side; but her real problem is lack of depth and inability to think things through. For example, she thinks if 10.5 million illegals are in our country, all you have to do is round ’em up and kick ’em out.

But consider the resources and manpower that will take, because she hasn’t. Consider how many American citizens will be profiled, stopped, detained, and have their rights violated by this huge dragnet, because she hasn’t. As this demonstrates, Lahren is a simpleton with superficial arguments. Was this debate a fair fight? Heck no.

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