Everyone seems to hate HOAs. They’re the grist of YouTube videos, lawsuits like this and this, and battles over yard ornaments (like this one, photo at left).

Now imagine you’re surrounded by HOAs, but not in one, and they try to make you toe their line. That’s what happened to a South Carolina woman. Tired of being harassed over her RV trailer, she got even.

Her porch and yard now feature Biden, Trump, and Pride flags, assorted signs (including “Proudly not HOA”), ten plastic flamingoes and other lawn ornaments including “a toy bulldog in bondage gear cocking its leg,” a kiddie pool, barbecue grill, and a whole lot more. Below is a photographic sampler. Read story here.

HOAs are especially prevalent in Florida and Texas, and many HOA horror stories come from those states. If you move there, there’s a good chance you’ll wind up in an HOA. In which case, find out what you’re getting into before you sign the real estate purchase contract. By the way, the rich lawyer who bought the tank relocated it at his HOA’s “request.”

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