Michigan legislator arrested for chasing stripper with a gun

Neil Friske, a first-term GOP state representative in Michigan who resembles J. Edgar Hoover (photo, left), stands out in many ways.

He’s the son of a World War 2 Luftwaffe pilot. That’s right, his dad fought for Hitler, and after moving to the U.S. joined the anti-communist John Birch Society, donated to Klansman David Duke, and campaigned for white supremacist George Wallace; as a state legislator, “he advocated for legislation to limit the birth rate of poor people” (see story here). Well, what the heck, people don’t get to choose their parents.

And anyway, Rep. Friske has his own legislative record to brag about, which includes voting against “protecting spouses from marital rape, … making child marriage illegal, … tax cuts for veterans” and “making it illegal to create AI ‘deep fake’ pornography using the likeness of our daughters and wives,” according to his primary opponent (see story here).

Last Thursday Friske, who goes to church and has children, but isn’t currently married, was arrested at 2:45 a.m. for allegedly trying to rape a stripper and threatening her with a gun. He was released from jail a couple days later, and hasn’t been charged yet, but the police and D.A. are working on that. His office issued a statement that says in part: “As many of us know, Rep. Friske is always exercising his 2nd Amendment right.” Nobody knows that better than the stripper he allegedly shot at.

The statement called the timing of his arrest “highly suspect” just before absentee ballots for the primary election go out. It seems to me the timing of his arrest was up to him. What I mean is, he could’ve picked a more propitious time than just before an election to do what he’s alleged to have done. Of course, at this point he’s entitled to a presumption of innocence. But that doesn’t mean the police and news media are making up this wild story.

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