If elected, Trump will clean up the mess in Washington D.C.

The city is a mess, he says. So big a mess it’s worthy of presidential time and effort, so he plans to wrest city administration from city officials and run the place himself (read story here). Here are his complaints:

“I’m driving into a federal courthouse, and the graffiti all over the place is unbelievable. It’s staggering. The roads are full of potholes. The medians in the middle, you know, the guardrails, are all broken and some of them laying, literally laying, in the street. The garbage is piled up and disgusting, cans are laying there for many months.”

Wow! What a mess! Now let’s take a photo tour of Washington D.C., starting with federal courthouse graffiti all over the place:

Next, Washington D.C. streets full of potholes:

And broken guardrails, some literally laying in the street:

Garbage piled up, cans laying there for months:

Hey I think we can all agree there’s too much garbage in Washington D.C., but isn’t that what elections are for? Oh, and immigrants, he also wants to clear out immigrants (e.g., eastern European mail-order brides, below) from our cities:

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