Nikki Haley endorses Trump

Nikki Haley says she’ll vote for Trump, not Biden, in November 2024 (read story here).

Surprised? You shouldn’t be. She’s a Republican, ambitious, and doesn’t want to jinx her political future.

But it’s also more of the Nikki Haley we know. Three years ago I called her “tw0-faced” because, “Haley wants to be president so badly she sucked up to Trump for 4 years.” A year ago I wrote she “lacks backbone to be president.”

A mere month later, she said she’d pardon Trump (see my posting here).

If you think her politics are moderate, you haven’t been paying attention. She catered to racists by defending the Confederate flag, attacked unions, insulted the working poor and senior citizens, and embraces regressive changes to Social Security.

In early 2023, I questioned whether she was serious, writing, “Nikki Haley wants to be president for no better reason than she wants to be president.”

Haley still isn’t serious. She’s still a two-faced panderer and Trump suck-up. She’s preserving her options for 2028. But what if Trump won’t leave in 2028? What will she do then?

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