Welcome to Steve’s blog

Dr. Steve Schwartz, a University of Washington medical researcher, created this blog to discuss campus issues, and it soon expanded to a wide range of subjects. Although he’s no longer with us, a contributor still posts articles that readers may find informative, interesting, or simply entertaining and funny (read statement of purpose here). Use the search term “” to find this page on the internet. To scroll back to older posts, click on ←Previous Entries halfway down this page.

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Can Kamala win?

Politico asked three strategists who’ve managed presidential campaigns. All three believe Harris will win if things fall into place. Two factors stand out: White voters and Pennsylvania. Stuart Stevens, Romney’s top strategist in 2012, says Trump needs nearly 60% of white voters to stand a chance, but is weak among better educated whites. Pennsylvania is a must-win state for either candidate, which is why Harris should pick that state’s governor as her running mate. (Read article here.)

Ready, set, let the name calling begin!

Trump said he doesn’t care if he mispronounces Kamala Harris’s name.

An internet troll fired back with “Fatty McFelon.”

Read (amusing) story here.

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