Fact Check: Pramila Jayapal Stretched the Truth About Her Achievements in Olympia

Pramila Jayapal shocked me by becoming a carpet bagger. After successfully working to redistrict her home into the ninth CD , where she has worked as as a community organizer, Ms. Jayapal jumped across the border to run in my congressional diacritic, CD7.

Pramila Jayapal’s has called her opponent a sexist and racist for running against  her.

Her campaign  turned Trumpie after her opponent, Brady Walkinshaw,  published reports that Ms. Jayapal had a terrible record as a state senator.   Jayapal accused Walkinsaw, a gay man of Cuban origin. of sexism and racism.
Her angry response led Dan Savage of the Seattle Stranger to endorse Walkinshaw,  Now, another Stranger editor has supported Brady’s original  ad, now agreeing that Pramila Jayapal has been an ineffective legislator and did exaggerate her achievements as a state senator.

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