Chinazor Onianwah
Rumor has it that President Obama has personally asked to be Hillary’s campaign manager so that he can skewer DT alive (slow cook). Just remember he is the OBAMA, he gets what he wants and DT gets what is coming to him.
The Game Plan:
Paint a narrative of DT that his mama won’t recognize. The kind of narrative that makes your wife ask you, “is that you they’re talking about, Donald Trump?” And that is putting it mildly. In less than 30 days from now, if you google DT, this is what the algorithm would churn out: egotistic male of European descent, fraudster, tax evader, tax dodger, serial divorcee, racist, misogynist, bully, huckster, billionaire hustler host of reality TV show called “You are fired!”
The weapon of choice against DT:
Donald Trump was the face behind the darkest hour in President Obama’s legacy as the first African American elected to the most powerful position on the face of the universe, at which he excelled. And POTUS Obama is sitting on a cache of arsenals:
51% overall approval. This is Jurassic.
90% approval among blacks
75% approval among Hispanics
64% approval among independents
68% approval among millennials
This is the kind of arsenal he is about to unleash on DT. It’s personal folks. Keep it here for further developments.