Bat Zion Susskind-Sacks FACEBOOK
Again, I am getting nasty messages because I dare go against what some non Jews, those who call themselves “Zionists,” believe. Well let me try again for the slow learners among them. Who sat over two millennia ago by the rivers of Babylon and cried for Zion? Only Jews. That is Zionism , not political Zionism of the end of the 19th century which calls for the return of the Jewish people to Zion. Those who support that call are Political Zionists. Those that practiced the kind of Zionism that Jews have practiced for so long, praying towards Zion, getting up from the Passover table and pledging Next Year in Jerusalem, are the only ones that can call themselves Zionists and that is Jews only.
You are offended? Too bad. I, too, am offended by you calling yourself a “Zionist” if you are not Jewish. But hey since when does the fact that a Jew is offended count?