The recoil from this thing could put your eye out, especially with that spur hammer. Or maybe it would take your whole head off, after breaking your wrist. I fired a .50-cal. Browning Machine Gun in Army training, and that thing kicks like a Clydesdale. Not sure it would stop a T-Rex in its tracks, though. You might want a cannon for that mission.
The recoil from this thing could put your eye out, especially with that spur hammer. Or maybe it would take your whole head off, after breaking your wrist. I fired a .50-cal. Browning Machine Gun in Army training, and that thing kicks like a Clydesdale. Not sure it would stop a T-Rex in its tracks, though. You might want a cannon for that mission.
Are those bullets or dildos?
Sort of in-between. Smaller than the average dildo, bigger than the average bullet. Think of dildos as artillery.