Here is a guy who REALLY looks Jewish

Christians United for Israel (CUFI)'s photo.

 Racism, the fiction that humans are divided into races like dog breeds is only true of your God is member of the American Kennel Club.


Let the Synagogue of our peoples say AMEN. This settles it. Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Mizrahi(including the Ethiopians) are the same people, with the same genetic code from 3000 years. Whether they are blond hair blue eyed, black hair and white or dark expresso chocolate, we are all family, we are all Israelis… Anyone who dares to try to separate and dissect us are outsiders and are not apart of the true Abrahamic Covenant. He’s not only the father of many nations, but of many colors….

Love the white jew as much as you love the black jew, because at the end of the day we are all just JEWISH-Israelite…The seed of Abraham(And so is our Arab brothers and sisters)..

No one can walk with me or learn from me unless they embrace this reality….

Rabbi Cohen Shalomim Y. HaLahawi

 WATCH: Everyday Israelis talk about their feelings toward Ethiopian Jews. The verdict: “I see them the same way I see myself.”Thanks to: Corey Gil-Shuster

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