Posts Tagged ‘elections’

March 9th, 2022 - 7:17 pm § in Law and Courts, Politics

Rogue GOP county clerk indicted for election crimes

A Colorado grand jury has indicted a rogue county clerk under state and federal investigation (see article here) for leaking confidential voting machine login codes to QAnon (see article here). Read the latest developments here. Those voting machines can no longer be used, and a judge barred her fro[...]

March 1st, 2022 - 2:40 am § in Economics, Politics

A simple answer to vote suppression

GOP legislatures are scrambling to restrict voting rights. In Arizona, “Republicans have introduced a bill that would … [also] allow the state legislature to reject election results” (see story here). (That’s not all. “The people who took video of police killing George [...]

February 26th, 2022 - 9:18 pm § in Politics

Texas democracy? No way!

Click here for the faces and stories of people who Texas Republicans don’t want voting — the blacks, the elderly, the sick and disabled, the young. To be honest, I can’t vote for a party or politicians who do that to their fellow citizens. How about you? And if a party has to preve[...]

February 15th, 2022 - 2:31 pm § in Politics

Crazy “Stop the Steal” Trumper under investigation for election tampering now wants to run Colorado’s elections

No responsible citizen would vote for her, and in a rational society she wouldn’t stand a chance. But Tina Peters, who is under state and federal investigation for election tampering, and last week tried to kick a police officer while being arrested for illegally recording a court proceeding, [...]

February 11th, 2022 - 10:04 pm § in Politics

Move to Texas, lose your vote

Washington has 100% mail voting, which is not only convenient for voters, but saves taxpayers the huge expense of polling places. There’s no evidence mail voting is less secure or leads to more voting fraud (see, e.g., story here). But if you move to Texas, only voters “65 or older, vot[...]

February 6th, 2022 - 7:52 pm § in Democrats, Politics

There’s hope for our democracy

The basis of our political system is that we get to choose our leaders. To preserve that right, we must prevent an undemocratic minority faction — which is what today’s GOP is — from getting in a position to overrule the voters. Our existing laws are imperfectly designed for that a[...]

February 4th, 2022 - 7:49 pm § in Law and Courts, Politics

Extreme gerrymandering still being reined in by some state courts

After the Supreme Court barred federal courts from reviewing redistricting cases (details here), it was easy to assume there’s no longer any judicial check on gerrymandering, which just keeps getting worse as Republicans try to consolidate minority-party rule over broad swaths of the American [...]

February 1st, 2022 - 9:55 pm § in Law and Courts, Politics

2 GOP candidates tell poll watchers to bring guns and unplug voting machines

Two GOP candidates in Michigan state races told a crowd of supporters to unplug voting machines if they suspect fraud, and bring guns to polling places to make sure Republicans are allowed to observe ballot counting. They are Ryan Kelley, running for governor, and Mike Detmer, running for state sena[...]

February 1st, 2022 - 3:47 am § in Democrats, Law and Courts, Politics

Democrats should take this offer

Some Republican senators appear to be offering to support legislation which would clarify that vice presidents have no power to reject states’ electoral votes, and provide federal protections for election workers. This isn’t as expansive as the Democratic voting rights bill that Republic[...]

January 28th, 2022 - 3:54 pm § in Politics

Need more evidence Republicans will revoke your right to vote?

Well, here it is. In Arizona, a GOP legislator has introduced a bill that would “get rid of almost all absentee and early voting in the state and mandate all votes be HAND-counted within 24 hours of polling sites being closed.” (Read story here.) In other words, votes that election worke[...]