Posts Tagged ‘Commentary by Norm’

July 26th, 2013 - 10:09 pm § in America, Politics

Commentary by Norm: Is Free Trade Good For Us? Pt. 3.

Continuing the thread about free trade Auto workers in Japan and Germany have been paid more than UAW workers in this country have for more than three decades.  Your suspicions are flat out wrong.  The problem with the cost of building US cars is primarily, tho not exclusively, the cost of worker [...]

July 25th, 2013 - 11:04 am § in America, China, Politics

Is Free Trade Good For US . part 2.

In response to Norm My point us the same.  Protectionism raises cost on everything workers buy while encouraging capital flight. How do you feel about Japanese protectionism or french protectionism.  Do you think THEIR workers benefit.from the absurd prices for rice and wheat? As for Korean and Ja[...]

July 24th, 2013 - 3:59 pm § in America, Politics

Commentary by Norm: Is Free Trade Good For Us? Pt. 1.

In Response to SMS Defence of Free Trade: Respectfully, do you realize that the TPP and TAFTA would prevent any country from responding to “hot money” by outlawing capital controls — (the only country to escape relatively unscathed from the Asian Tigers meltdown of ’97-’[...]

July 24th, 2013 - 6:54 am § in America, China, Politics

NAFTA Is NOT The End of the World!

Norm., with all due respect, your post opposing free trade is way over the top. Free trade agreements SHOULD be a liberal cause.  NAFTA, by every measure I have seen, has benefited all three countries. Workers in Canada..or Mexico are people too. Protectionism benefits only those wealthy enough to [...]

July 23rd, 2013 - 4:51 pm § in America, China

Commentary by Norm: How much do you know about the Trans-Pacific Partnership?

The end of life as we know it? If you  DO know about TPP, you may not be so sure that line is much exaggerated.  And the TPP has a sequel brewing, the TAFTA. MoveOn is starting up a group to battle against this “NAFTA on Steroids” or “Corporate Coup”, as many are calling it[...]