Trump picks Vance; judge nukes Mar-a-Lago case. Will this fly?

It’s hard to see what Trump’s pick brings to the ticket. Vance isn’t popular with the MAGA base, with many calling him a “RINO” (see story here), while critics at the other end of the political spectrum view him as a toady (“he’ll do what Pence wouldn’t,” see story here). The biggest loser: Marco Rubio (“all that sucking up for nothing,” see story here).

Meanwhile, Judge Cannon dismissed the Mar-a-Lago case on grounds special prosecutor Jack Smith wasn’t properly appointed, a ruling that immediately raised eyebrows, reads like it was cribbed from Clarence Thomas, is tailored to help Trump but not Hunter, and looks suspiciously like it was preplanned (see stories here and here).

What should we make of this? Vance long ago lost credibility outside MAGA (see story here), and he’s not fully accepted there. Lacking fans on right or left probably limits his presidential ambitions (unless he and Trump are elected, and the aging Trump reaches his shelf life).

The GOP’s ticket of two white males leaves efforts to expand their demographically narrow base in the dust. But that was true of the other finalists, Rubio and Bugrum, too; so this was already baked in. Vance doesn’t even bring a swing state into Trump’s column; Ohio would vote for him anyway. It makes little tactical sense; Trump’s personal whims prevailed (see story here).

Judge Cannon never was credible to begin with, but that’s not what matters on the bench. Her ruling, which goes against prior jurisprudence on appointing special counsels, echoes Justice Thomas’s comments in the immunity case, and is a gamble that higher courts will adopt his views. If not, she’ll likely be taken off the case if it’s reinstated.

Related story: A real Appalachian calls Vance’s bestselling book “Hillbilly Elegy” a stereotype and scapegoating-filled fraud; see story here.

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