THE Ave Challenge: Who is this?

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  1. Nuq Bug #

    Doesn’t really look like Hitler. Sure you uploaded the right photo?

  2. theaveeditor #

    Try coming out of your hole.

  3. Roger Rabbit #

    Some nerd who dropped out of college and marketing the world’s first commercially successful operating system (which he didn’t write himself), and became the world’s richest person?

  4. Roger Rabbit #

    Some nerd who dropped out of college, marketed the world’s first commercially successful operating system for personal computers (which he didn’t write himself), and became (and still is) the world’s richest person?

  5. theaveeditor #

    You seem not to like BG? By the way, no DOS was the first commercial success as ab o0persating system. That was CPM by Gary Kildall.