Defending free speech doesn’t make me an anti-Semite

For the record,

1. I oppose BDS. They are antisemtic.
2. As a Zionist, I despise Netanyahu.   The Netaynahu govt is not only apartheid, it has like the South African regime, joined in am unholy alliance with Trump and with the Saudis.  Netanyahu’s actions call the question, if a Jewish state is amoral, should it survive?
3. I believe in a two state solution where Jordan becomes Palestine.
4. Peace has been blocked by Muslim bigotry … antisemitism. Curing that with Jewish bigotry leads only to the Evangelical’s dream of Armageddon!
5. I detest efforts in the name of Zionism to censor academic free speech like the recent attack on a Professor at the University of Michigan.  Professor Cheney-Lippold had a sabbatical taken away, was denied a merit pay increase, and was threatened with being fired because he refused to recommend a student who was BDS for a summer potion in Tel Aviv.   Cheney-Lippold  was asked for a personal recommendation. In my opinion he could have been more fair, evaluating the students academic performance need not obstructed a statement about her politics when the Israeli school is expecting the Michigan professor’s recommendation.

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