After Brady Walkinshaw ran a factual ad about Pramila Jayapal’s record as a state senator, the Jayapal campaign came out with a response worthy of Trump.
The campaign, with its huge funding advantage form East Coast pacs ran ads denying the facts that Jayapal has not been an effective Senator, is a carpet bagger, and has not taken stands on Seattle issues. They then attacked Brady .. a gay man and a Cubano, with charges that he is a sexist and racist. In disgust, Mike James (former anchor for KING TV), Dan Savage (Editor of the Stranger), and others came out with strong statements .
Now the Stranger editorial board has come up with a very, very ugly response. Echoing the Jayapal campaign, the Stranger not only attacks Brady’s sexual identity and Cubano origins, the ohso liberal Stranger goes on to make a n attack on Pam Banks, a prominent African American who was opposed by Kshma Sawant, a Jayapal protege, as as a “big business” candidate.
This is Trumpism.