Posts Tagged ‘Family Feud’

September 30th, 2013 - 11:49 am § in Hypocrisy

Of Copyrights and “Revenge Porn”

Recently my brother in law, Bill Quick, demanded that I remove a picture of my father from this website. Although apparently motivated by the family feud, Bill had the right to demand this under copyright law. This issue of copyrights associated with photographs on the web has recently escalated bec[...]

September 27th, 2013 - 10:21 pm § in Misc.

The Schwartz Family Feud, Part 2

An email from my brother in law, Bill Quick: Stephen:The photo you reproduce of my father-in-law, Dr. Robert Schwartz, at is a cropped copy of a photo I took It and other photos from that day are posted at[...]

September 24th, 2013 - 8:25 am § in Misc.

Origins Of The Schwartz Family Feud, Part 1.

from my sister’s website, a letter written by me “For those of you who have not heard, my Dad, Robert Schwartz, died a week ago [June 7, 2008] at Boston Medical Center. Sadly his was not an easy death. Tough to the end, he did did not want to go. Even on his death bed, […][...]

January 8th, 2013 - 2:49 pm § in Misc.

Academic Arrogance: of profs and lawyers

The philosopher Foucault pointed out that knowledge and power are so intimately related that we cannot really think about them separately.  Sadly, Foucault missed the point shown by the career of Herman Knowsitall. Often. especially in business. peope in power .. the bosses .. insist that they know[...]

August 30th, 2011 - 11:35 pm § in Misc.

Breaking News: Libya, Gaddafi and the final days of his family,

  from Informed Comment An Italian news service, Ansa, reported Monday that Muammar Qaddafi, his eldest son Saif, and another son, Saadi (a military commander during the failed attempt to put down the uprising) are hiding in Bani Walid southeast of Tripoli. Saif, the de facto ruler of Libya in [...]

January 1st, 1942 - 1:24 pm § in Misc.

I hate you!

Hatred creates ugliness[...]