Posts Tagged ‘Family Feud’

April 19th, 2014 - 10:02 am § in America, Religion

BUCHENWALD 39: Lost in the story of the resurrection, is a story of an insurrection.

 How Christians Think About Jews at Easter There is a very strange understory associated with this video. Jay Michaelson at the Forward sees the video as a crude effort to desecrate the memory of Auschwitz and use the camps as a lever to convince Jews that Christianity is our salvation rather than[...]

April 16th, 2014 - 9:00 am § in Misc.

Why my wife will not eat beans (or rice, or corn) during Pesach

Why Kitniyot Passover Fight Is Literally Full of Beans A take-off from an essay in The Forward. For those who read THE Ave, or just know me, I am (on my father’s side) a Sephard … a descendent of the Jews expelled from Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella.  My wife, however is a Rush …[...]

April 13th, 2014 - 9:58 am § in Misc.

BUCHENWALD 35: A video of what my father saw.

As Passover approaches tomorrow night, I found this video on the web.[...]

April 9th, 2014 - 10:01 pm § in Misc.

Universities share, not restrict, knowledge

Professor Devin Naar Talks on His Role Collecting Family Histories This evening we heard Prof. Devin Naar talk about the Seattle Sephardic legacy.  Dr. Naar is collecting “Seattle Sephardic Treasures” lent or donated to the University of Washington for digitization, preservation and study.  Th[...]

April 9th, 2014 - 2:10 am § in Misc.

BUCHENWALD 32: 70th anniversary of what Robert must have seen in Buchenwald

 My brother and sister should look at this picture and be ashamed.  Today is the seventieth anniversary of our father’s entering Buchenwald to give care to inmates who had not yet escaped.  Robert’s photography and writings remain locked in a lawyer’s safe in Boston, decaying be[...]

March 29th, 2014 - 6:43 pm § in Jews, Misc.

BUCHENWALD 30: Hugh Schwartz

Hugh is my younger brother.  Unfortunately a bad case of sibling rivalry has led him to do some pretty outrageous things including writing very disturbing things, claiming that I hate my father and am out to destroy Hugh.  He has also charged me with theft and being mentally ill. None of that is[...]

March 24th, 2014 - 4:07 am § in Misc.

SOUTH CAROLINA: A Response to My Sister

My sister, Stephanie, is the wife of William Quick a frequent troll here.  She is upset that I write a lot about South Carolina, the place she and William chose as a retirement home.  Stephanie  feels I ought not to make an issue of their choice of a place to live. Dear Steph, You wrote […[...]

March 23rd, 2014 - 1:15 pm § in Misc.

More Family Feud. UPDATES

I am only posting this to give readers a taste of the sort of email I get most days from my brother Hugh Schwartz and his amanuensis William Quick.  In the last two days alone, I have received 31 emails from them!   That is more than one an hour! In the meantime, we are 16 days […][...]

March 21st, 2014 - 12:11 pm § in Misc.

BUCHENWALD 28: A response from my brother

A letter from my brother, Hugh Schwartz. Hugh sent me this email but I see it as more a comment on posts here on TA.  The mien is gentler than a lot of his emails, often they are filled with obscenities and invectives, but it does serve the purpose of letting him give his point […][...]