Posts Tagged ‘elections’

May 25th, 2022 - 1:02 pm § in Politics

What’s wrong with “stop the count”

The video below shows a scene in Detroit after the 2020 election. At the time, Trump was leading the initial tally in Michigan, so his supporters wanted election officials to stop counting votes. Their demonstration at the election office was disruptive and implicitly violent. They were asking for a[...]

May 21st, 2022 - 3:23 pm § in Law and Courts, Politics

PA election: Now for the arcane stuff

As of Friday, May 21, 2022, Dr. Oz leads McCormick by 1,070 votes in the GOP Senate primary. It’s a fragile, razor-thin lead. This election probably will go to an automatic recount, as provided by Pennsylvania law. Recounts are always more accurate, because they pick up ballots that were misco[...]

May 18th, 2022 - 7:10 pm § in Politics

Colorado candidate wants to eliminate popular vote

Colorado’s governor is whoever wins the most votes. The same is true of Colorado’s other state offices. Greg Lopez, mayor of Parker, Colorado, doesn’t like that. He’s running for governor, and it means Denver (pop. 715,522) can outvote Parker (58,512). So Lopez, a Republican,[...]

May 18th, 2022 - 6:19 pm § in Donald Trump, News Media, Politics

Trump still thinks you win by declaring victory

Let’s try a simple quiz. You win an election by: [  ] Getting the most votes [  ] Declaring victory first [  ] Because you want to [  ] Stopping the count when you’re ahead [  ] Doing the election over if you lose Few, if any, Republicans will pick “1,” the correct answe[...]

May 11th, 2022 - 1:07 am § in Politics

Judge bans rogue county clerk from election duties

A judge has ruled that “Tina Peters, along with her deputies Belinda Knisley and Julie Fisher, will not be allowed to oversee 2022 elections” in Mesa County, Colorado, CNN reported on Tuesday, May 10, 2022 (story here). Peters, the Mesa County clerk, is a vocal Trump supporter and outspo[...]

April 28th, 2022 - 6:38 pm § in Politics

Another Colorado GOP election official is under investigation

A second Republican county clerk in Colorado is being investigated for stealing confidential election data and passing it to unauthorized persons. I previously wrote here about Tina Peters, the Mesa County clerk, a GOP election conspiracy activist arrested for election crimes, assaulting a police of[...]

April 6th, 2022 - 8:36 pm § in Politics

Maybe GOPers believe in election fraud because they commit it?

“For years, Republicans have cried voter fraud, with few substantive examples. But, of late, there have been a few—from Republican politicians themselves. This week brings yet another one: Matt Mowers, a Republican candidate for Congress in New Hampshire, who voted twice in the 2016 presid[...]

April 1st, 2022 - 11:37 am § in Politics

Do you want crazy people to run elections?

Kristina Karamo’s sole claim to fame is that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. That might be enough to turn her into Michigan’s top elections official. During the 2020 election, when a tumultuous mob tried to force its way into a Detroit elections office, Karamo thou[...]

March 26th, 2022 - 4:07 pm § in Politics

Who do you trust to count votes?

Them …                                                                                     … or them?                   […][...]

March 22nd, 2022 - 11:03 pm § in Politics, Racism

QAnon group sends gunmen to Colorado voters’ homes

In Colorado, a pro-Trump QAnon group is sending gunmen to voters’ homes. They impersonate government officials by wearing fake badges and knock on doors “in areas with large numbers of voters of color, questioning people about how they voted and taking photographs of their homes,” [...]